Friday, April 25, 2008

Case of the Friday's

This has pretty much nothing to do with World of Warcraft whatsoever. Since I post from work (shh... don't tell), you get my thoughts while at work. That said, today you get my hatred about Fridays. Or more specifically, Friday afternoons.

I work at a job that's basically 8-5, Monday through Friday. Come Friday afternoon, I'm pretty much done for the week. I'd go home early, but then I don't get paid, and seeing as how we're currently building a house, I kind of need the money. Plus, I doubt my employer would appreciate if I took off every Friday afternoon.

The office is generally pretty empty, so I can be productive, but because it's Friday afternoon, I don't really want to be productive. That make sense? I feel like I'm back in grade school staring at the minute/second had for the last few minutes (or in my case, hours) so that I can go home. Since I'm a contractor, these are the hours. If I were an employee, I may be able to do some type of flex hours so that I could work extra hours during the week and go home Friday afternoon; but alas, that hasn't happened yet. (Way too long a story to go into, but should hopefully happen soon.)

So, whether you're one of my cubicle brothers or you're at school on Friday afternoon... Who's with me? Who else hates Friday afternoons?

Note: Once you're done with whatever it is you're doing this beautiful Friday (at least it is where I am), have a wonderful weekend!


sid67 said...

Are you sitting in the cube next to me?

Leiandra said...

rofl!!! Why? Is that guy complaining too? Thanks for the Friday afternoon laugh.