Thursday, July 3, 2008

Calling It... No, Wait!

On Tuesday night, we started our weekly farming and got through the first two bosses in Mount Hyjal (yeah for more Hearts of Darkness) and then Naj as well. This set us up perfectly for another quick kill on Supremus last night, and then hopefully some work on Shade of Akama.

It took us a bit of time to get through the trash to Shade of Akama. Only afterwards did we realize that we can get teleported through to the middle so we wouldn't have to face some of the bigger, uglier packs (and probably save a ton of time too). We went over a different strategy (needed way more DPS on the Channelers), and then tried it out. It was much better, but a few mobs got loose, and we eventually wiped.

Raise the dead. Buff... Oh wait. One of the tanks isn't rezzed yet. Well, X-perl says that he's been rezzed. "Hey Tank? Did you get the rez?" Crickets. Okay, he must have gone afk. wait a bit. "You back, buddy?" Nothing. One of our pallies, who's his neighbor, volunteers to call him, but he doesn't pick up the phone.

Well, we had another tank online that could come in, but we'd have to wait for the afk tank to get disconnected or else our replacement tank would get the "Instance Full" message. It was getting rather late, and we knew this would be our last attempt, so we didn't really have time to wait for the disconnect. "/sigh. Alright guys, we're going to have to call it for tonight. Sorry about that. We'll get back in here and kill him next week." And a mage opens a portal.

Two people take the portal, and then... Did the tank just stand up?

"You there, buddy?"

Our tank starts moving around, and getting in to position. Alright, let's summon back the two people. (Thank goodness for in instance summoning.) We had one attempt... and we practically destroyed him. The adds got a big out of control towards the end, but Shade of Akama was headed straight for Akama, so we knew the DPS race was on. I pulled one Elementalist to try and control him, but quickly got pwned (Mage Tanking ftl). And without even an order from myself or any of the Raid Leaders, I was almost instantly Battle Rezzed. Looking at both health bars, we were way ahead and killing Shade quick.

Yep, Primogeniture is now 3/9 in Black Temple.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*raises hand....yea, i took the portal

Leiandra said...

You'll notice that I was very particular as to not point out who. lol. But since you admitted to it... lol.