Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Increase your Total Damage Now!

Tired of Class Officers riding you about your low DPS? Want to be at the top of your damage meters? Now you too can learn the secret of how I top the meters.

That's right... Critters.

Clear the damage meters right before a pack of these babies, smack them down with a sweet spell such as Arcane Explosion and then link away! I'm sure none of your officers will notice you're the only one on the charts. But hey! At least you're DPS will be pretty high when you attack a pack of these critters.

There's also an achievement to support this habit.

But on a bit more serious of a note: Are you a Critter Killer? Are you the one always hunting down rats, maggots, or turkeys? How far will you go? Does this madness never end??!!??

Me? I'm a CCK (Casual Critter Killer). If I see an untouched pack of critters sitting around, I'll Aoe them, just to teach them a lesson. I'll even melee ones as I'm walking by. But to actually target one... (besides a turkey... and only that one time)... nope... not me. Too much effort.


gnomeaggedon said...

Guilty as charged...

I have a macro now...
/Ice Lance

I can't remember which critters I have bagged already, and don't want to stop to look it up... as soon as I see the flash of yellow, macro is launched.

I feel a little better as I give them a bit of double loving first.

Leiandra said...

Oh, so since you give them love first it's somehow okay to kill them? Oh the insanity! /e logs on to create Gnomeaggedon's macro.

Although in honesty, I'm more of a stealth critter killer myself. Emotes attracting people to the deed I'm about to do, aren't really my style. But there's certainly serial critter killers of all types.

Darraxus said...

Lol, my name is Darraxus and Im a chronic critter killer. I kill them all the time. Sometimes for rage generation...sometimes to spite them. The first room in Gundrak with all the snakes is the best. I would make Indiana Jones proud.

gnomeaggedon said...

Actually, thinking about it... I always freak out when I see "Killing Blow" pop up on my screen when AoE'ing....

You know big elite mob...
1 AoE
"Killing Blow"
Hunh... it's still there.... ohhh critter....