So, what's with all of the factions in World of Warcraft? You don't really get much. At Honored, all factions will give you 10% off their goods. I'm down with that. Great idea. What bothers me slightly is that after that, you really don't get much. Think about it. "Exalted" is a pretty high word to mean "we'll sell you this one item." But at least one faction in WoW will give you something worthwhile.
The Consortium can be found throughout all of Outlands. They're ethereal smugglers

I want to see more of this type of faction in the expansion. But how do you get reputation with them? The simplest way is simply to do Mana Tombs over and over again. Once you hit Honored, you'll have to get Lower City reputation so that you can can get the key for Heroic Mana Tombs.
Most likely you won't live in Mana Tombs though. You may even get sick of running instances. And I only said it's the simplest way, not the fastest. There's quests all over for these guys. If you see an ethereal, and he's got a quest, most likely it will give you Consortium rep. You can see the quests over at WoWWiki. Of particular note, you'll want to complete Seek Out Ameer which starts in Stormspire, and then A Mission of Mercy. Once you've complete A Mission of Mercy, you can then collect [Ethereum Prison Key] in Heroic Mana Tombs. These will allow you to complete other quests, and eventually summon a 4th boss in Heroic Mana Tombs.
For the solo player, besides the normal quests there's also a couple of repeatable quests that do not require a group. You can complete Obsedian Warbeads and A Heap of Ethereals (Zaxxis Insignias) by pure grinding. The other repeatable quests are Ethereum Secrets obtained at Honored and A Thousand Worlds obtained at Revered.
Myself having only reached Honored, I haven't reaped a lot of the gem benefits from these guys. I've asked people to run Heroic Mana Tombs a lot of times, and I mostly get turned down. When I do get people in there and they realize they're getting Consortium Rep, they're usually excited about that. Maybe I just need to do a better job at my marketing. LFM for Heroic Mana Tombs should now become LFM for Heroic Consortium Rep Run.
O snap! I didn't realize you got a bag of gems a month.. This is from the guy in Nagrand right?
Oops.. forgot to say how you get your money. Yeah, it's Gezhe in Aeris Landing in Nagrand.
It is a bit confusing, I thought at first that there was a 1 month "cooldown" from when I picked up the gems, but it resets at the first of every month. So technically you could pick some gems up at the end of the 31st of a month, then wait a bit and pick up some more once it became the 1st.
That's pretty slick, I didn't know about the gems thing. I'd be up for a heroic mana tombs as soon as I complete my 5.5 shadow labs runs. =)
As a note: I'm only Honored with them, and I went and got my payment last night. I got 3 green gems. Hey... it's better than a kick in the pants. lol.
I've received 2-3 blue gems so far from them not bad for the very little effort I've put into it.
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