So... this is not a full guide, but here's some of the things that I feel are very important; a Lessons Learned, if you will. This should be taken with other guides read as well.
(1) The Mana Burn from Millstipe has to be interrupted no matter what. She burns 6000 mana, which can be quite a huge blow.
(2) Keep the adds under control. You generally have two tanks that both need to be on Moroes due to the gouge and blind abilities. If you keep all but one add shackled or ice trapped, then you only have to kite around one add until you kill it. Unfortunately, this takes time. Crippling Poison or a Mage's Ice Bolt will be enough to make it easier, but these have to stay up.
(3) Lady Keira Berrybuck is a paladin that can bubble and heal. Stun her around 25-30% and then finish her off quickly. It just makes the fight against her take so much longer if she has time to heal herself or others.
(4) Know when to reset the event. By running Moroes out of the room, it resets the event. If key players, namely one of your tanks or healers, die during the first phases of the fight, reset the event. It'll take less time to rez the couple then it will to have a full wipe.
It should be a simple encounter, but there's little things that can make it challenging. Having everything under control, it's a simple gear check. If you've got the gear and you know what you're doing, you should sail through it most of the time. (There's always exceptions or unlucky things that can happen.) Anyone else have any hints or tips that I missed.
1 comment:
Other than "keep the non-resto healing druid's aggro lower than #2" so that when the tank gets blinded there's time to cast abolish poison before getting 2 shotted.
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