In case you're not familiar with their format, they do have a live chat room that you can log in to to ask questions, or just kind of "hang out" with us as we do the show. You can log in as a guest to be in the chat room, or you can register to ask questions, and then we can see your name as well. It will screw up my raid time this week, but it should be a lot of fun. And the world can't always conform to me. (See? I can be a giver sometimes.)
If you can't make it on Thursday, they usually post the podcast sometime next week. I think it's on a Tuesday, but I could be wrong. You can also subscribe to them via iTunes or Zune.
Hope to see everyone on Thursday on the chat room. Remember... you can't participate and ask questions if you're not there live. :)
YAY! My number one commenter gets a spot on TNB :) Looking forward to the show!
Hey... us I.E. folks need to stick together. lol.
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